Claudine Tschalär


About me 


As an artist I live and work in Ticino – a canton located in the south of Switzerland near the Italian boarder. 

At the School of Fine Arts in Zurich, Switzerland I followed courses in different textile techniques, science of colors, watercolor- painting, and drawing. In addition, I took classes with artists in Switzerland, Austria, England, and Germany.

 During the first years of my artistic journey, my focus was on water–color and my artistic expression was influenced by realism. It was after I have discovered the technique of acryl, that I developed a strong inclination for abstract painting and mixed media technique. Today, my work is abstractly with a clear sense for combining diverse techniques including, monotype, and collage. I make use of a variety of materials (e.g. newspaper and journals, wax, plaster, gold, ash, etc.), multiple layers of colors, and shapes that speak to one another. 

In 1994 I had my first solo show at the Gallery Ruth Schwarzer in Uster, Switzerland. Ever since, my work is showcased regularly in Switzerland, Germany and France. Additionally, my paintings are featured at venues that include public institutions, medical practices, and offices in Zurich region and in the hospital San Giovanni in Bellinzona. Between 2002 and 2005, I was a member of the ‘Art Group Uster’ (Künstlergruppe Uster) and since 2010 I am a member of  ‘Associazione Pittori-Scultori Ticinesi’.

My passion for painting and my flair for psychology prompted me to pursue a diploma in art therapy. I have been working as an art therapist for over 20 years. I also taught art classes for adults in a variety of community and educational institutions and designed art workshops for high schools and other higher education institutions. 


Since 2009, I exclusively focus on my passion – abstract painting. My work draws from my inspiration by elements of nature, different cultures, and the playful interplay of colors, shapes, and techniques.


My two daughters and their families are living in Zurich and New York City.